Technology Making us dishonest and cheating easy

Technology has revolutionized the whole universe. Technology show people a more efficient way to do things, and these processes get results. Education has been greatly advanced by the technological advances of computers. Students are able to learn on a global scale without even leaving their classrooms. 

 Technology making us dishonest and cheating easy
People actually cheated as a consequence of this motivation rather than just conveniently excusing something that they, along with a large number of other people were doing.

Asking students to agree to act honestly before an online quiz is likely to be effective, whereas getting them to sign a statement after they have written an essay and attach it to their submitted work, is not. In the case of the self-service checkout systems, a simple introductory screen that asked shoppers to agree that they will be honest would likely be effective in reducing cheating at the checkout. Another way would be to have a staff member who greets every shopper as they come to the checkout and reminds them that they will be there to help if needed.

Technology makes cheating easier
 The time has passed when students were trying to cheat on exams by writing answer on hands or hide cheating materials on the bottom of shoes. Technology is getting advance, so ways of cheating are also getting advanced and examiners look for it.

It is obvious that technology has taken the educational system and academia to higher and new levels, but with the passage of time and advancement, the ways and opportunities for academic dishonesty are also increasing.

Plagiarism in research papers and essays became very easy with newer and advanced technology. Professor in the College of Liberal Arts, John Larson mentioned “In the past, people used little crib sheets; you’d write it on your thumbnail or on the bottom of your shoe,” Larson said. “We police test rooms, primarily now, for phones. That’s the most effective way to cheat on a test, to use your phone.” He also said:  “In the last 10 years, the Internet has become an amazing source of plagiarized material, You can type in a string of words that amount to the topic of the questions and it’s not too hard to get 50 to 100 hits that you can then go through and start copying paragraph after paragraph of material.”

Technology has made it easier for students to cheat, it’s also made it easier for examiners or teachers to catch. Many software systems were created to catch cases of plagiarism and cheating e.g. Blackboard’s Safe Assign, but these may not be enough anymore.
With the advancement in technology, students are much dependent on others work instead of doing work themselves. Due to this learning has become very less, students don’t use their mind to solve their academic problems. All the work, research and assignments are mostly plagiarized and due to this students don’t focus on creativity.

Dishonesty by Technology

Technology makes it easier to cheat. Nowadays, there is competitive environment in all fields especially in education and that’s why it makes people pleasure to do. Cheating exposure has increased in all aspects and fields like news, reports, research and personal knowledge.

Gradually, fear of cheating and achieve success through unethical ways is decreasing because once people use unethical way then they will do it again and again and socially people will accept this way.

Reform with the help of Technology

Beside these problems created by advanced Technology, we can help to fight cheating with the help of this technology. These are pros and cons of everything. Just like that many examiners, teachers and administrators complain about cheating and unethical ways due to technology, on the other hand, many use this technology to detect and minimize cheating. There should be strict procedure to check every work of students. Advanced Technology includes software like Turnitin can be used to check plagiarism.


No doubt technology has revolutionized every field of this world. It helps to solve problems from personal to national and international level. It has reduced human effort. Besides all this, It has very negative social impact. People trust technology more than their effort and struggle. People use unethical ways to complete their targets, projects and task. Cheating in exams is increasing day by day and the worst thing is people don’t feel it negative or bad. The society has accepted this way. People don’t focus on creativity. If we realize all this and want to make change, we have to maintain equilibrium. We get help from technology but we should not totally depend on technology. We should socially interact with people. And we have to realize and focus on awareness creativity and positive change.

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