
Entrepreneurship is the process, capacity and willingness to develop, design, organize and run a business with acceptance of any of its risks in order to make it successful and profitable.

Entrepreneurship is the starting of new businesses, which begins with a small business which offers products and services. New individuals or teams look for opportunities to develop new products and services, launch new firms and make profit.
Entrepreneurial spirit is combination of innovation and risk-taking spirit and decision. It includes the ability to manage and succeed in ever changing competitive environment and market.


Entrepreneur is an individual who is seen as innovator and designs new ideas for establishing a business. An entrepreneur has qualities and skills of good management and team building. He has spirit and skills of risk-taking decisions.

Entrepreneur vs Businessman

Both Entrepreneur and Businessman develop and run business expect for doing job for any organization. But there are some differences between Entrepreneur and Businessman.

Businessman is one who develops and run business on a defined and already taken way or idea. He focuses on competition and has many rivalries.  He is purely profit oriented. A businessman doesn’t usually take risky decision as he is a profit oriented personality. He focuses on hiring more people to increase productivity.

Entrepreneur is one who is known for his innovation and creativity. He doesn’t develop business on predefined and taken ideas or ways. He creates his own ideas and ways and brings innovation in society. He doesn’t only focuses on profit and hiring people for increasing productivity. An Entrepreneur brings productivity in his people or employees.

Social Entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneurship is applying business techniques to find solutions for social, environmental or cultural problems. There is a number of social problems of world but and viable solutions are few. So, a number of people and organizations are trying to do something for society and nation.
Matt Flannery  
 Premel Shah 
Matt Flannery  is the cofounder and CEO and Premel Shah is the president of their organization Kiva.org. They are social entrepreneurs and are trying to do something for social cause. 

The mission of their organization is to connect people through lending for the sake of alleviating poverty.

Qualities of successful entrepreneur

Steve Jobs, co-founder and CEO of Apple said I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance."

An Entrepreneur is a good role model by being ethical and honest. An Entrepreneur always tells the truth always and doesn’t manipulate information. He is always willing to admit his failures. He communicates with his employees regularly by sharing his personal values.

1.     Fully determined
Entrepreneurs are always fully determined and focus on their goals and objectives. They always focus on productivity and innovation. Beside competitive environment, they are fully convinced on their work. 

2.     Disciplined
Entrepreneurs are focused on their work and development, and eliminate any distractions to their objectives and goals. Successful entrepreneurs are disciplined and convinced to take steps and risky decisions every day toward the achievement of their objectives.

3.     Confidence

Entrepreneurs don’t only focus about the success (whether they are going to succeed or not). They have full confidence on their creativity, work and knowledge. They display that confidence in everything they do. They are not afraid to do new thing.

Richard Branson

Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group said Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.” 


4.  Leadership

Entrepreneurs also have qualities of good leadership. They are good leaders. They always try to increase productivity and efficiency of their employees and co-workers.

5.     Starts from themselves

Entrepreneurs realize that everything that is going to be done, they should start it themselves. They are confident and they don’t wait for other. They just take decision and do experiments and start that work themselves.

6.     Competitive

Entrepreneurs are much confident and they have spirit to compete with the market. They realize that we can perform better than others.

7.     Creativity

     Creativity is very important quality of entrepreneurs. Creating new ideas and making new thing need confidence and spirit. Entrepreneurs don’t look towards others, they focus on new ideas and techniques to develop their business.

Scott Belsky
Scott Belsky, co-founder of Behance said It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen.

8.     Professional and ethical

A successful Entrepreneur is always punctual and is role model for other employees. Their mind is constantly on their work and they leave other tensions and personal problems beside their work place.

9.     Passion

Passion is the most important quality of successful entrepreneurs. Being passionate with work or business mean loving you work. Passionate entrepreneurs love their work and never get tired of doing work even though they have to spend extra hours to their work. So, they will have more confidence and spirit to promote and to create new thing and ideas for their work and business. A passionate Entrepreneur enjoys his work, he doesn’t focuses on money and profit.  

Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook said If you just work on stuff that you like and you’re passionate about, you don’t have to have a master plan with how things will play out.



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