
Management is to do any activity or task effectively and efficiently. Efficiency refers to getting most output from the least amount of input, and Effectiveness is described as “doing the right things” or doing things which help the organization to achieve its goals. Management is also an academic discipline, which is studied in almost every higher educational institute. It is social science discipline and its objective is to study social organization and organizational leadership. Other programs of management sciences are Bachelor of Commerce and Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), Master of Public Administration (MPA).

Management involves coordinating and overseeing the work of others so that their activities are completed accurately.
"Reading a book about management isn't going to make you a good manager any more than a book about guitar will make you a good guitarist, but it can get you thinking about the most important concepts."- Drew Houston-Co-founder and CEO-Dropbox

Components of Managements

  1. Planning
  2. Organizing
  3. Leading
  4.  Controlling
  5.   Commanding
Who is a Manager

Manager is an organizational member that tells and guide people “What to do and How to do”. A manager is someone who coordinates and oversees the work and activities of other people so that goals of organization can be achieved and accomplished. Job of a manager is not personal achievements; it’s about helping other in doing their work.

Classification of Managers
In an organization, Managers are classified into three categories:
       I.            Top Management
    II.            Middle Management
 III.            Lowest Managements

Top Management is at upper level of organization. People of top management are responsible for making organization wide decisions and establishing the plans and goal that affect the organization. These people are usually titled President, Vice president, Managing Director, Chief Operation Officer, Chief Executive Officer.

In Middle Management, managers manage the work and activities of lower managers. They lie between lower and Top management. They have titles Regional managers, Area Managers, project leader.

In Lowest Management, managers manage the work of non managerial people who are involved in producing organizational products and servicing the organizational customers. There managers have titles Office manager, District manager, supervisors, shift managers.
Top management comprises less people. Middle management contains more people as compare to Top management. And Lowest management contain more people as compared to Top and Middle management.

Roles of managers:

  1. Interpersonal roles
  2.  Informational roles
  3.  Decision roles

Skills of Managers:

  1. Top management requires technical, HR, decision and conceptional skills.
  2. Middle management requires HR and technical skills.
  3. Lowest management requires technical skills.

Importance of Innovation to the Manager’s job:

Innovation means doing things differently, exploring new territory and taking risks. Innovation is not just for technologically advanced and sophisticated organizations. Innovative efforts can be found in all types of organizations. The examples of well reputed companies illustrates that innovation is critical.

Importance of sustainability to manager’s job:
Sustainability is defined as "companies ability to achieve its business goals and increase long term shareholder value by integrating economic, environmental and social opportunities into business strategies."

Sustainability means different things to different people according to World Business Council for Sustainable Development it is concerned with "meeting the needs of people today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs"

Why Study Management

Study of management is very important.If one in majoring in accounting or marketing or any other field other than management, he may not understand how studying management is going to help him. Management is universally needed in all organizations.
Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.-Peter DruckerManagement consultant
We get frustrated when we spend more than two hours in a government office for renewal of driving license. We get annoyed when none of the sales person is intrested to help you.

 In every business, in every industry, management does matter."
Michael Eisner-CEO,The Walt Disney Company
These all are the examples of problems caused due to bad management. Organizations that are well managed, develop a loyal customer base, grow and prosper even during challenging times.

Rewards and challenges of being manager

There are a lot of challenges that are faced by a manager. Managers often have to deal with a reality of personalities and have to make with limited resources. It can be challenging to motivate workers in the face of uncertainty.

“Leadership is working with goals and vision; management is working with objectives.”
-Russel Honore

Despite these challenges, being manager can be rewarding. As a manager, one often have the opportunity to think creatively and use his imagination.

  1. Making right hiring decisions
  2. Terminating or losing a best performing employee
  3. Convincing or take stand in front of higher management
  4. Dealing with limited resources
  5. Do hard work
  6. Many have duties that are more clerical than managerial
  7. Have to deal with a variety of challenges
  1. Create a work environment in which organizational member can work to best their ability
  2. Have opportunities to think creatively and use imaginatio
  3.  Help others find and in fulfillment in work
  4.  Having opportunities of leading.

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